Cutest girls ever!

This Christmas season has been so fun. We have had so many fun parties and get togethers this year. Brooklyn is so excited and she Loves Santa and always want to sit on his lap. Whenever we ask her what she wants Santa to bring her she replies, "A candy cane!" Hey, I am not complaining...she is easily satisfied. Having Makayla also makes this Christmas season fabulous. Having 2 kids is just so much more fun. She is growing and is very healthy. We are so happy to have her in our family. Brooklyn is also taking to her very well and is such a great big sister and a big help to mom.
Today was our first "REAL" snow where we actually had to shovel the driveway. Brooklyn helped me and then we went and played. We attempted to build a snowman, but I guess I am not too good at that. We made snow angels though and this year she was loving just laying in the snow and having fun...last year, not so much! I can actually bear the snow and it doesn't bother me so much now that I can see Brooklyn's face so happy because she gets to play in it and eat it!
All in all we are doing great and are enjoying this holiday season and trying to just soak it all in!
What?! I wasn't expecting another post so soon....Ha! jk! Your girls are so adorable!
You girls are the stinkin cutest! I am so sad I missed Makylas blessing. :-( She looks beautiful! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!
Your girls are so cute! Congrats !!
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